Hello there, I’m Mitch

A builder by nature, I began a love for drawing and visual thinking at an early age. Combining that with a child’s imagination set me on the path to my adult profession. To this day, when I get into that creative zone, I still feel that same freedom and excitement I did as a boy.

I have gained experience working for various companies, both large and small, as a full-time employee as well as freelance. Additionally, I earned a Marketing Degree from Missouri State University’s accredited College of Business.

I am naturally observant and a curious, creative thinker and life-long learner that is not afraid to roll-up my sleeves and do what it takes.

Mitch Linhardt Creative Designer profile picture

Senior-level professional with 20+ years experience who is:

  • An innate problem solver with an ability to tame the complex. Can zoom out to think about overall brand experience.
  • A hands-on contributor who enjoys building things. Can zoom in to create needed visual design pieces.
  • A prolific creator that has an eye for all aspects of creativity. Comfortable balancing multiple projects and being flexible across a variety of industries.
Mitch Linhardt Creative Designer working at desk

My mission as a Creative Problem Solver

To take my experience and talents to serve those in need of visual and content design by helping to produce an overall visual experience that creates a genuine human connection and tells a unique story through strategic marketing and brand design as well as to create personal products that support this mission.

A Few Extra Things About Me

Written, illustrated and self-published five children’s picture books...so far

The books started out as a one book side project that would help improve upon my illustration skills and showcase my capabilities, but they became much more. True passion projects and great learning experiences. The road of planning, illustrating, writing, and designing the books was long, but well worth the travel it took. The best part is getting to read them with my daughter and share her enjoyment.

Studied improv comedy at The Groundlings and Improv Olympics West in Los Angeles

These are two of the top such schools in the world where many stars of comedy got their start and it has brought an added way of how I think about and approach design and creative thinking. Yes, and...

Former Cold Stone Creamery franchise owner

As an ownership partner in running three ice cream stores, I wore the many, MANY hats of a small business owner. I also learned first hand the importance of “brand” in a more practical way and how it directly effected my family’s financial survival. Everyday I worked hard to improve both the customer and employee experience.
Born in Anchorage, Alaska. Raised in St. Louis, Missouri. Cardinal’s baseball. Star Wars nerd. Morning coffee drinker. Movie lover. Reader of books. Maker of cheeseburgers. Nature explorer. Eagle Scout. Christian. Girl Dad.